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Bonsai Trees – Short History

Everybody has heard of the Bonsai tree but few people know about the history of the miniature shrub or where the tradition came from.

Baobab Bonsai

Bonsai is a Japanese term which, in its native language, translates to “tray gardening”. This term describes exactly what Bonsai is – a tree which is grown in a small pot or tub enabling it to be kept indoors.

These trees are not always genetically meant to be small and are kept this way through careful pruning. The ability to care for a Bonsai tree, keeping it small and healthy is an art form in itself.

The trees are commonly pruned in to a certain shape, one of the reasons why they are seen as works of art and not just as plants.

The term Bonsai is widely known and understood but the art was originally found in China by the name of Penjing.

The Japanese art of Bonsai stemmed from this and is more modern than the Chinese is. The Japanese version is however more widely known.

Discoveries have been made in Egyptian tombs of sketches showing miniature trees in pots. These are thought to have been kept for decorative purposes and the pictures date back to 4000 years ago.

After this time, there is evidence to suggest that trees were transported with Asian caravans as they travelled around. They were used for cures because of their medicinal properties.

The Chinese art of Bonsai as we know it is a 2000 year old tradition. It was brought to Japan somewhere between the 7th – 9th centuries by the Imperial Embassies to Tang China.

Initially it was a hobby enjoyed only by the aristocracy. With time, however it began to filter down through the social hierarchy and became something which many of the population practiced.

The practise of pruning and shaping miniature trees is still in place in both China and Japan. The Chinese tend to keep them for outdoor displays and although still smaller than normal trees, they are somewhat larger than the Japanese versions. The Japanese create the pieces of art to be displayed primarily in the home.

For anyone considering turning their hand to this hobby, it is well worth reading up on the subject beforehand, as the trees require careful nurturing.

It is not just the leaves which require trimming. The roots need to be tended to also and the amount of water they require is practically an art form in itself.

Information on this is widely available on the Internet, meaning that anyone serious about trying this should be able to do so successfully.

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