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Fishing Lure

Enhance the taste of your fish with your own fishing lures A lure tempts and entices, and a fishing lure tempts and entices a fish. This definition might well apply to live bait, but we normally do not mean something alive when we talk about fishing lures. We mean something that acts as if it was alive, that appears alive and that creates, for the fish, an illusion.… Read More

Uses for a Portable Shower I always have to shake my head in disbelief when I hear the phrase “couch potato”. I do not doubt that these kinds of people exist, of course; I just can’t believe that anyone would willingly choose to spend their lives in front of a television instead of going outside to do something.… Read More

There’s bass lures that work and then there’s lures you can serve with coffee The time has come! Spring is here, the sun will be shinning late into Autumn this year, and the fish are promising to be jumping in the boats, especially that most delectable of fish, the bass. You need only gather a formidable array of bass fishing lures to entice them, and, as you’ll see, a little java helps.… Read More

There are many great things you can do with a camera, but for the most part, you cannot get your camera wet. That means that taking photos underwater is next to impossible unless you get a special underwater camera. Though not everyone will have a need for one of these, they are great if you spend time in the water and often see things that you would like to take home as a memory.… Read More

Photography has developed rapidly over the years with equipment and film working in tandem to pioneer new methods of taking pictures. 35mm film, also referred to as 135 film, can be used for still photographs and motion pictures. The 35mm camera was put on the market in 1934, was a best seller by the late 1960s and still enjoys success today.… Read More