Indoor Vegetable Garden

Indoor Vegetable Garden

Grow an Indoor Vegetable Garden

If you don’t have the room to grow the garden of your dreams outdoors because you have a tiny yard or no space at all, you don’t have to give up on having fresh vegetables in your home in the fall.

Indoor Vegetable Garden

You won’t have a lot if you decide to grow in indoor vegetable garden, but you can grow more than you may think. You just have to use your imagination and available window light to see what you can do.

Not all things can thrive indoors, but you can grow some items either in your home or even hanging from your front porch if you have one.

An indoor vegetable garden will have to be pretty simple. You may want to eliminate a few things right off the bat. One of those things would be any plant that spreads out a lot as it grows.

Things like pumpkins and squash tend to snake through an outdoor garden, which means they would do the same in your home. These won’t grow well. Also, if you have pets, find out if anything you want to grow may make them sick.

Indoor Vegetable Garden

Your cats will be very interested in sampling anything you plant, so make sure everything is safe for them, just in case they get curious. Dogs can do this too.

When you start your vegetable garden, think of it more as finding room in window spots to have what you want. You may have to have items all over the house.

Just keep in mind that this is something that you will have to attend to regularly. Also remember that there is the possibility that you are going to be dropping things like dirt, water, and even fertilizer, so decide which areas would work and which not.

On the plus side, you don’t have to worry about pests as much with indoor plants, so you won’t have to use bug killers on your plants.

Some windows in your home are going to be better for an indoor vegetable garden than others. You want ones that get a lot of light for as long as possible during the day.

If you are three feet from another house, any windows on that side of the house are going to get very limited sunlight. Choose ones that get more and are facing more wide open spaces. You can even move your plants once the sun shifts overhead and you have lost the morning light on one side of your house.

Indoor Vegetable Garden

This can be time consuming, but is often a great solution for vegetable plants that need a lot of sunlight and attention. Having them on movable stands on wheels will be a great plus.

You can use window or indoor planters that you can set on tables at the window. Things like herbs grow more easily, but some vegetables will do well in indoor vegetable garden plots as long as you give them the attention that they need.

If you have a porch you can also find space to hang tomato and other plants that will do well in hanging planters. They typically get good light and you don’t have to worry about them as much.


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