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Fruit Trees

In the past, there have been only a couple different kinds of apple trees that you could buy. Now, thanks to the wonders of genetic engineering, if you want to buy an apple tree you are able to choose between many different types of apples and flavours. Here are five different popular types of apples that you can consider for your first apple tree.… Read More

It seems like it is not easy to find fruit trees or nurseries supplying fruit trees in South Africa.

We did a bit of research and found the following sites online. If anyone can assist in supplying more info please leave a comment! It will be much appreciated. We also started a Forum where readers can join and start a community to help and assist each other.… Read More

If you planted (or planning to) your first fruit tree, it is safe to assume you are not yet an expert on the subject. More fruit trees die in their early years due to poor caring than any disease or pestilence. Therefore, it is vital that you understand how to care for trees in a way that will ensure their success as well as future good health.… Read More

Although the growing and caring for a tree is generally challenging and even difficult at times, sometimes the hardest part is choosing which kind.

You have to choose between sizes like dwarf fruit trees, semi-dwarf and standard as well as different types. Your choice is also affected by your experience, the amount of work to put in and the rewards (fruit) you will obtain.… Read More